Monday 12 July 2010

Some new Street Art

Belleville was the scene of recent protests by the Chinese community against a perceived increase in attacks on its members, but this time it is the unity of the neighbourhood that is celebrated in a mural on the Rue du Faubourg du Temple. I don't know if this an officially senctioned piece or not, but it is clearly something that would have taken the artist a great deal of time.

In the creation you can see some of the sights of the city as well as representations of some of the ethnic groups of Belleville. There is also some text in both Chinese and Hebrew, and if anyone could tell me what it says I'd be very interested!

On the Rue Sainte Marthe, another labour intensive creation. This time, the collage of torn up magazines is reminiscent of the works of Jacques Villeglé.

A little further along on the Rue du Chalet, a simple but enigmatic message. It's not clear who or what this person is apologising for!


Celine in paris said...

I have seen that collage rue saint Marthe but I did not know who had made it so thanks for the link!

ann p. said...

I'm curious as well to know for what this person is apologizing to UNESCO. Interesting.

Je m'appelle Cynthia said...

I love this stuff! Thanks for sharing ... I hope to see some of it in real life when I go to Paris for the first time this Sept.

PeterParis said...

As you may have noticed, I'm always looking for street art, but these ones are new to me. I may have to go back to the area!

Teknad said...

Unesco is the international organism responsible for nominating buildings and cities as "world heritage". As the graffiti is defacing what seems like and old building, maybe the writer felt the need to cinically apologise for rendering it useless for this nomination, as in "sorry, Unesco, here you have it!"

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