Thursday 21 September 2017

Where to buy my Paris Cityscopes guide

After a long but enjoyable process, my Paris Cityscopes guide finally went on sale in August. I am not very strong on self-promotion, but I am very happy with the result of the book, and now hope as many people as possible will (want to) read it! Find out here how you can get hold of a copy.

Friday 15 September 2017

Berlin sur scène: a Paris-themed Berlin interview

This summer saw not only the publication of my Paris Cityscopes guide, but also the Cityscopes guide for Berlin, written by Joseph Pearson, an author and academic based in the German capital and editor of influential local blog ‘The Needle’. To mark this double publication, Joseph and I exchanged questions and answers on our respective cities. How Berlin-like is Paris and how Paris-like is Berlin? Find out on our respective blogs!
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