If you have any other events that you think should be promoted, add them to the comments for this post or send me a mail.
Belleville artists open their studios
Over 200 artists in Belleville open up their studios to visitors the last weekend in May, probably the biggest such event in Paris. Although the art on display is of rather mixed quality, it is always interesting to wander aimlessly around the normally firmly closed buildings and courtyards. More details on the artists as well as maps can be found here: http://www.ateliers-artistes-belleville.org/
If you are looking for something a little more structured though, you could join the event being organised by Paris Par Rues Méconnues. Beginning with a picnic at 12pm in the Parc de Belleville (bring your own food!), the afternoon will continue with a three-hour guided walk around the ‘best’ of the studios, where the artists will be present to talk about their work.
Saturday 29th – walk only at 2pm (sign up here)
Sunday 30th – Picnic at 12pm, walk at 2pm (sign up here)
Two events, described as 'music-hall parisien revisitée', will be held on Saturday at the Bellevilloise, a venue that is now becoming something of a specialist in the genre. Organised by Juliette Dragon and the Cabaret des Filles de Joie, the show will begin with striptease, French Cancan as lots of feathers and glitter, then later on become ‘la Nuit Fatale’ which will be based around ‘punk ‘n roll’ live music, James Bond Grrrls and irresistible secret agents!
La Bellevilloise, 19 Rue Boyer, 75020
Saturday 29th, 8pm
Women and the Commune
Girl power continues on Monday night when Sylvanie de Lutèce, friend of Juliette Dragon and the ‘Filles de joie’ troupe, will be holding her regular monthly Paris history lesson and discussion. This time around the subject is “Les Femmes de la Commune de Paris en 1871”.
Le Baron Samedi, 12 Rue des Goncourt, 75011
Monday 31st, 8pm
Still in Motion @ La Cartonnerie
Once again, an event that I recommended more for the environment in which it is being held (a partially converted paper factory), but if you are a fan of photography you should find plenty to keep you occupied. Somewhat bizarrely, the event this weekend is actually the pre-opening of a festival that will actually be held in London a week afterwards. Based around the theme of ‘the changing city’, the event will feature an exhibition of international photographers and focus on the pinhole camera. As well as enjoying the photos on display, visitors will also be able to try out some pinhole cameras themselves during workshops, and even enter a competition if their photos are particularly successful!
La Cartonnerie, 12, rue Deguerry (M° Parmentier/Goncourt)
Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th, 11am –7pm