Thursday 25 February 2010

Something for the Weekend (26th – 28th February)

It’s the last weekend of the month, when traditionally money is tight before payday. Don't worry though as here are a selection of activities that won’t cost you a centime!

If you have any events or activities you think should be promoted or which you would like to promote yourself, please add them in the comments. Let me know also if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like to promote.

Brunch on the Metro
I’m a little sceptical about most social media happenings, but this one sounds as if it could be fun. A group will meet at 1pm on Sunday at the Charles de Gaulle Etoile Metro station on the Line 6, loaded up with everything necessary for a brunch picnic. The group will then get on a Metro at exactly 1.15pm and head off in the direction of Nation, sharing all provisions during the trip. Being outside for much of its length, and crossing the Seine twice, it is also one of the most picturesque lines in the city! The event is open to anyone who wants to join in, and it could be an interesting way to not only meet a few people but also to taste some nice food!
More information here:

Get Fit for Free
Winter is coming to an end and it’s time to start stretching a few muscles again. Is there anything more inspiring to do though than just jog around the park? Here are two ideas:

Each Saturday morning between 10am and 11am, women in Paris can sign up for free boxing classes at the Forum des Halles. The classes are run by specialists from hip gym ‘Le Battling Club’ (which bases itself on the traditional New York Boxing Gym) so it should be a good work out!

If you are interested you first need to fill in this form and and return it before the Friday preceding the Saturday you wish to attend. Note however that you will also need a doctor’s certificate proving that you have the necessary physical condition (normally a formality, but a time-consuming hassle none the less).

This Brazilian combat sport is less physical perhaps, but certainly no less strenuous. Within the framework of its Grand Mix du Brésil festival, the Musée du Quai Branly is organising an ‘Atelier Capoeira’ with members of the ‘1 Autre Monde’ company on Saturday 27th at 12pm. The good news is that there is no need for a medical certificate here!
Musée du Quai Branly
37, quai Branly 75007, M° Alma Marceau

Going Chopin
To celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Chopin, pianists at the Salle Pleyel (along with another venue in the town of Chateauroux) will be playing the entire works of the composer over this weekend. The Salle Pleyel will cover the years 1838-1849 on Sunday from 2pm to 11pm. Entrance is free, but actually getting in and being able to find a seat might be the most physically demanding event of the weekend!
Salle Pleyel
252 rue du Fb St Honoré, 75008, M° Charles de Gaulle

If you can’t get in, note that an exhibition on the composer will be starting on Tuesday at the Musée de la Vie Romantique. The location is well chosen as Chopin was a regular visitor to the house which belonged to the painter Ari Scheffer.
Musée de la Vie romantique
16, rue Chaptal, 75009
2nd March - 2nd July, 7€

Works Constructed: 1948 - 2009
This exhibition at the admirable Pavillon de l'Arsenal is a fascinating look at 58 iconic post-war constructions in Paris. Using photos, plans, models and prototypes from the architecture collection at the Centre Pompidou, the exhibition also tries to give the artistic, social, political and economic context behind each structure. Buildings featured include the CNIT at La Defense, the Montparnasse tower, terminal 1 at Charles de Gaulle airport, the Parc de la Villette and the Institut du Monde Arabe.
Until 28/3/2010
Pavillon de l'Arsenal
21, boulevard Morland, 75004, M° Sully Morland
Free entrance!

School of Rock
On both Friday and Saturday evening, the Gibus club, a mythical rock venue in the city, will be hosting six young bands. Entrance is €5 or completely free if you respect the 'winter sports' dress code!
Les Espoirs du Gibus
Le Gibus
18 rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75011, M° République

1 comment:

Cergie said...

Je vais retenir aujourd'hui l'expo du Pavillon de l'Arsenal. J'ai voyagé hier avec mon voisin dans le RER et il m'a raconté qu'ayant besoin de sous pour payer son billet, il n'est pas rentré au Cambodge comme ont fait deux de ses copains pour participer à l'essor du pays. C'était juste au début du génocide, il n'a jamais revu ses copains (et a perdu un de ses frères)
Pour se faire des sous avant de rentrer (ce qu'il n'a pas fait et qui lui a sauvé la vie) il a installé l'électricité à la station des Halles
En guise d'hommage gratuit à Chopin (de père vosgien et donc à moitié français) aller au cimetière du Père Lachaise
J'ai fait de la boxe française mais pas longtemps, assez pour découvrir les bienfaits d'un bon échauffement
Enfin, je suis allée voir l'expo Izis hier, avec le manège des jardins Tuileries en bonne place. Il a quitté la Lituanie pour cause de misère mais aussi parce que la boxe y était très appréciée, il trouvait cela barbare...
Bon WE, Adam

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