If you have any events or activities you think should be promoted or which you would like to promote yourself, please add them in the comments. Let me know also if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like to see mentioned here.
Izis at the Hotel de Ville
In 1951, an exhibition called 'Five French Photographers' was held at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The photographers were Brassaï, Doisneau, Ronis, Cartier-Bresson and...Izis. The other four went on to become famous worldwide, but Lithuanian immigrant Izraëlis Bidermanas, otherwise known as Izis, remained relatively unknown. Why should this be so? This exhibition organised by the city of Paris offers an explanation, showing that it was not because he had less talent than the other four but rather because he was a full-time employee at Paris Match magazine. The photos he took were simply for the love of photography and he never looked to sell or promote his work. Visitors to this exhibition will see that he deserves to be judged historically as an equal to his more illustrious peers (see photo above).
Until 29th May
Hôtel de Ville de Paris, 5 rue Lobau, 75004
Every day except Sunday 10am -7pm
Free entrance
The Bellyfusions Festival
This festival, taking place on Saturday and Sunday, aims to demonstrate new fusions in oriental dance styles. The festival includes theatre performances, workshops with French and international teachers, and a closing party at the La Java night club. A variety of styles will be featured with exotic names such as Oriental Flamenco, Gypsy Fusion, Oriental Salsa, Bellywood and Gothic Fusion!
See http://www.bellyfusions.com/index_eng.php for more information on times and venues.
A Day Trip to Belleville
I'm proud to declare myself a citizen of Belleville! Despite having lived here for around 10 years, I still find it to be a fascinating corner of the city. Until 1860 when it was incorporated into Paris it was of course a town in its own right (indeed in 1856 with a population of 57 699, it was one of the biggest towns in the country!) and still has a very independant soul. What is it missing to attract more tourists? How about a shop selling the creations or local artists and t-shirts promoting Belleville designed by Jerome Mesnager?
Such a place recently opened, giving you one more reason to visit! Take the line 11 to Jourdain, where the shop is situated and which still looks like the heart of a village, then wander wherever your heart desires.
La Source - Hameau de Belleville,
9 rue lassus 75019, M° Jourdain
Every day except Sunday and Monday, 3pm - 7pm
Help for Haiti
After the terrible recent events in Haiti, the French (France is of course home to a large Haitian community) are organising a series of events to raise money. If you can, try to get tickets for one of the two shows at the Bataclan this Sunday (4.30pm and 7.30pm).
J'ai vu, à propos de l'expo d'Izis à l'hôtel de ville dans le "Parisien", je tâcherai d'y aller mais pas ce WE, j'y vais en général en semaine et pas à l'heure du déjeuner : trop de monde.
Sinon moi aussi je suis de Belleville même si je n'y ai même jamais couché car notre appart est à refaire complétement et mon architecte et son entrepreneur trainent...
Au fait : nous avons des places pour le spectacle d'Eddy Mitchel à l'Olympia le 26 octobre 2010 ! Yeah !
J'adore ce manège sans socle ; tu l'as trouvé où dis moi ? Il est même plus beau que celui du Forum des Halles je trouve, et la photo en N&B est très sympa avec les chevaux bien de face (j'ai des doutes. Serait-ce une photo d'Izis ?)
Oui Cergie, il s'agit d'une photo d'Izis!
Just to make this very clear, the photo at the top of the post is by Izis, not me!
Quelle coincidence! Two separate blogs post about Izis on the same day! Thank-you for this introduction to a great photographer. The other blog is...photography-collection.com
Love the manége.
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