If you have any events or activities this weekend you think should be promoted please add them in the comments. Let me know also if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like me to promote.
The French national amateur cooking and table dressing championships
The competition has been fierce around the country over the past few months, and now the time has come for the national finals! These are two separate events, but run at the same venue, the CEPROC in the 19th, and on the same day, Sunday the 29th. The cooking competition will see finalists preparing meals from a set number of ingredients within a given time, whilst the table dressers will have to set a table for two on a particular theme using the objects of their choice. I'm not sure if it's much of a spectator sport, but the 5 Euro entrance fee also includes access to cooking lessons and cheese and wine tasting.
1pm, Sunday 29th November
CEPROC (Centre Européen des Professions Culinaires)
19 rue Goubet, 75019 (M° Ourcq)
Two to Tango
The Festival Paris Banlieue Tango has been running since October, but this Saturday sees the grande soirée de cloture, or the end of festival party. The good news? Everyone is invited and it’s free! Artists and musicians who took part in the festival will be there to play music and give free lessons, and there will also be food and drink available. The evening will continue with a bal, and end somewhat bizarrely with “Buenos Eros A Buenos Aires” a show described as being erotic cabaret!
6pm, Saturday 28th November
Le Réservoir
16 rue de la Forge Royale 75011, (M° : Faidherbe Chaligny)
Back in the Days
For those (like me) who remember growing up in the 1980s (like me), La Bellevilloise will be the place to be this Sunday for an afternoon of nostalgia. The Back in the Days events have been held since 2006, and this weekend will see the 9th such happening. Special guest this time round will be photographer Ricky Powell, known in the 1980s as the 5th Beastie Boy. He will present photos of some of the leading hip-hop and rap names of the era including Run DMC and Public Enemy. Alongside, expect to find vintage sneakers, vinyls and computer games as well as DJs and a live graffiti performance. There will even be a competition to find the person with the best hip-hop old skool look!
3pm, Sunday 29th November - 10 €
La Bellevilloise
21 Rue Boyer, 75020 (M° : Menilmontant)
Salons des Vins des Vignerons Indépendents
Wine salons come around unsurprisingly frequently in Paris, but with Christmas only four weeks away, this one is particularly well-timed. These events with the small-scale independent producers are generally the most fun, and you should be able to find some real bargains too. Pick up your free engraved glass as you go in, then wander around from stand to stand and sample whatever takes your fancy. Don’t forget to spit into the buckets though or you’ll probably need to be carried out of the room!
November 26-29 (10am-8pm), November 30 (10am-6pm)
Porte de Versailles (M°: Porte de Versailles)
6 Euros (although free entry vouchers are easy to come by. Ask me if you are interested)
So, the tango dancers have moved indoors ! You can’t blame them! I may be around for some wine tasting ... and I will take the metro!
Ce week end je crois que je vais rester tranquillement à la maison, mais la semaine prochaine je vais aller à la maison de l'Alsace sur les Champs Elysées pour acheter des trucs à leur marché de noël. Mon mari m'a ramené un Christstollen hier soir et j'ai pas attendu pour l'entamer, un régal !
Tu as raison, il y a beaucoup de groupe en Guyane qui est un coin de France à 71000 km de Paris, à commencer par les amérindiens, puis les anciens esclaves, les créoles, les blancs locaux, les brésiliens et autres étrangers, les illégaux et les métros, sans parler des touristes, mais il n'y a en tout pas tellement plus de 200 000 habitants pour un territoire grand comme environs 1/6ème de la France métropolitaine !
Allez bon WE Adam !
Tu enlèves un zéro, 7100 km c'est déjà pas mal !
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