As light necessarily brings shadow, so it must follow that the city of light should also have its dark side. Behind the Paris illuminations, a small museum takes visitors to this côte obscure, guiding them through some of the more sombre chapters in the city’s history, with photos and recreations of executions, poisonings and massacres. If you have a strong stomach, let me take you on a guided tour!
The Musée de la Prefecture de Police is probably the most difficult museum to locate in the city. X marks the spot on the map, but following the instructions leads to a building that looks like it belongs in Stalinist USSR. From the outside you would be hard pressed to find a single clue that would signal that there is a museum inside, but fortunately when you are lost here you can always ask a Policeman.

Unless you are fascinated by uniform and medals you can probably skip the first part of the exhibition. At their origins in the 17th century the police were little more than groups of militia, nicely dressed but with few responsibilities (their mission was resumed in three words: “netteté, clarté, sûreté”), and necessarily little of interest concerned them in this period. The story warmed up during the French Revolution when groups of people spontaneously organised themselves into a makeshift police force, but there was still no official service until the 19th century when the “Sergents de ville” were created in 1829.
The first item of interest is a reconstruction of Giuseppe Fieschi’s “Machine infernale”, a kind of homemade machine gun with two dozen or so barrels that the Corsican used in an attempt on the life of the Roi Louis-Philippe on July 28th 1835. Louis-Philippe survived but 18 others were killed in the incident. Fieschi himself was severely wounded by his own machine, and was saved from death purely so that he could later be tried and executed!
"Tête de Giuseppe Fieschi après son exécution" – Raymond Brascassat, 1836 (Musée Carnavalet, Paris)
Later in the 19th century comes a page in the history of the city that the museum quickly turns over. In many respects, the museum, run by the Police and largely about the Police, finds itself in a tricky position. How can an organisation that has been implicated in some of the greatest crimes during the period covered by this museum present itself in a fair-minded way? Many questions are simply swept under the dusty rugs, and that is certainly the case with the massacres that marked the ending of the 1871 Commune uprising. Indeed, the impression one gets is more of the police as victims, with a large painting showing the burning down of their headquarters earlier on in the uprising.
At the end of the 19th century, photography began to become an important aspect of police work and the museum gets more interesting! A photo-montage highlights the actions of a group of anarchists who terrorised the city in the 1890s, leading us into the most important room in the museum; crime and criminals in the 20th century. This long room hosts a series of glass cases organised by individual crimes. Often there is the original murder weapon with dubious stains and gruesome archive photos, and details on how the crime was solved. It’s a procession of ten inch spikes, serrated knives and crushed skulls!
The museum finishes with documents relating to the Second World War. Once more a very tricky subject for the Police, an organisation that was absorbed into the machine of the Nazi occupiers. A small display shows how members of the police force were responsible for the persecution of Jewish members of the community and for the rounding up of many of these people, but again here the focus is more on the policeman as victim. Larger cases and the photos that line the staircases highlight the individuals who fought for the resistance or who died during the liberation of the city, but how many of these had also been involved in the crimes against innocents beforehand?
Arriving at the end of the visit, this leaves a slightly bitter taste in the mouth. The police play a key role in the life of any city, but in the city’s darkest moments, the role of the police has not always been to bring back light. It’s a relief to leave the building and see the sun again, but since I have discovered the museum, morbid fascination urges me back from time to time to taste the dark side once more.
I remember taking my boys there when they were perhaps 10 and 7 [10 years ago already!!]- they were absolutely fascinated, but I thought some of the exhibits were a little gruesome!
Now I am hoping that it had not disturbed their young psyches too much!
It is definitely one of the lesser known museums that is worth a visit, if only to visit a space that is not prettified and overly designed for non-french tourists!
I don't find it surprising the the police were more often than not, the perpetrators of the crime. It has been my observation that most who want to become policemen, do so because they're criminally inclined. Still, it seems like it might be a place to check out one day.
Un très beau récit encore une fois avec ce final : la face sombre de la police et la face sombre d'un individu lambda alias toi. Rien n'est tout blanc, rien n'est tout noir.
J'ai pour ma part visité le musée de la poste dans le 14ème et j'y ai trouvé des réponses à des questions auxquelles je ne pensais pas que je les trouverais évoquées là : par exemple l'origine des bottes de sept lieux du Chat Botté (le conte)
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