Paris is internationally admired for its uniform, strictly controlled architecture, but this 19th century neo-classical model is also one that has prevented a certain audacity since. Look carefully though and you’ll find a sprinkling of areas, mainly at the edges of the city, where an interesting and varied selection of buildings has been allowed to develop.
This walk concentrates on two of these areas, taking you away from the comforting, unchallenging forms of Haussmannian Paris. These riverside districts have been in permanent mutation for the past 30 years, and represent zones where new and daring structures are springing from the ground. Previously given over to industry, these areas are today seeing regeneration towards new uses and are providing a whole new focal point for Paris. Featuring not only architecture in a traditional sense but also parks, bridges, boats, galleries, shops and libraries, this is a walk which offers you many opportunities to pop in and pop out at your own leisure - or you can choose just one location and simply relax and admire the rest!
This walk concentrates on two of these areas, taking you away from the comforting, unchallenging forms of Haussmannian Paris. These riverside districts have been in permanent mutation for the past 30 years, and represent zones where new and daring structures are springing from the ground. Previously given over to industry, these areas are today seeing regeneration towards new uses and are providing a whole new focal point for Paris. Featuring not only architecture in a traditional sense but also parks, bridges, boats, galleries, shops and libraries, this is a walk which offers you many opportunities to pop in and pop out at your own leisure - or you can choose just one location and simply relax and admire the rest!
Once more, I have also tried to make it a document that is attractive to look at and interesting to read for people who have no plans to visit the city or use their feet! Please download and circulate, and please don't hesitate to give me any feedback you may have.
Interestingly enough, I walked that same walk (though I did it in two installments) several years ago. I really like the Institut de Monde Arabe.
have a great vaca
J'ai jeté un oeil sur cette nouvelle marche, Paris est si petit comme j'ai souvent dit chez Peter et à pied on voit mieux qu'en métro. L'IMA est un de mes endroits favoris, pour le couscous et les crèmes parfumées bien sûr et aussi la vue sur la cathédrale depuis la terrasse ainsi que l'architecture.
J'aime tout ce quartier.
Le coin de Bercy est chouette aussi, j'aime notamment bien le parc qui est un merveilleux coin de nature avec plein de bourdons à photographier.
Adam, la plupart des personnes préfèrent le "pittoresque", l'historique ; sur mon dernier post sur Cergy, certains ont dit que cela ne leur plaisait pas, mais c'est cela aussi la vie, les choses banales les bâtiments simples où les gens vivent aujourd'hui. On n'habite pas dans un musée.
Bonnes vacances !
Bonnes vacances, Adam! I'm really looking forward to reading your take on contemporary design in Paris.
A different and interesting walk, which I have also done, more or less. I appreciate and welcome the idea of not only keeping everything old. I like a lot Beaubourg, the Pyramide... The problem is to create something modern and innovative that will last a while. It seems to me that a lot of the fairly recent constructions don't resist against the years and very quickly need complete renovation (Halles, Beaugrenelle, Jussieu...) like modern scultpures and statues which often are linked to mechanical features which don't work after a couple of months (along the new tram...). (I'm a fan of modern art, but this is a problem.)Not easy! Our generation should leave some resisting landmarks!
Adam I don't have time to download the walk now but I followed the link and I love the concept of those walks. I'll be back for a more thorough look.
Enjoy the holidays!
I'm really excited to do these, Adam, thank you! Especially looking forward to the street art one when that comes out.
Another gorgeous document and tempting walk - definitely time to plan my next visit to Paris!
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