Tuesday, 26 May 2009

100th Post!

(100 Rue de Couronnes, 75020)

A blog is often a succession of numbers, but are they milestones or millstones? Post numbers are carefully counted, but figures also point out visitor totals, page views, comments and followers. I try not to look at these numbers too often, but perhaps we are all pre-programmed to find significance in such details. Society as a whole is dominated by numbers; unemployment totals, debt figures and people's wages are considered important news stories, homes are just a price per square foot and people are judged by their age. We are the digits of our telephones and the number of the street on which we live. If we have to be represented by this, what could be better than a round number and an attractive and welcoming entrance?

This post is also a big shout to Therese Cox and her excellent and very addictive blog, Ampersand Seven. Go visit and you'll see why!


ArtSparker said...

Congratulations & felicitations. Kind of cubist millefiori there.

CarolineLD said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to the next hundred...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Adam!

We crossed the 200 mark just over a month ago. And before you know it, you'll cross that milestone/millstone as well.

Jim & Mitch

Therese Cox said...

Thanks for the shout out. Indeed, we both seem to be rocking the mosaics today. I've been enjoying following your blog. Many happy returns!

Starman said...

Congratulations on numéro 100. I've read them all.

martha said...

Congratulations on your 100th post AND that's a gorgeous art-deco door

Owen said...

Couldn't help but drop in to take a look at Invisible Paris, wow, looks like there is some fascinating work going on here, will continue browsing your back posts, all 99 of them... I too love nothing better than walking in Paris with eyes and ears open for out of the ordinary sights. Looks like you have made a real specialty of it, your research into the topics covered here is impressive, hope you don't mind a humble "bravo" from a relative stranger. Best,

PeterParis said...

Hi, just wanted to congratulate and say "hello"! Just back to blogging again, but need time to read your posts properly (something I really like), so I will be back!

Ken Mac said...

congrats and thanks for the crazy tile

Anne said...

Congrats. I enjoy your thoughtful blog.

Cergie said...

Une chose est cependant sûre, au bout de plus de trois ans de blog, 682 messages pour Cergipontin, des commentaires innombrables, plus sans doute écrits que je n'en ai reçus, la lassitude tombe parfois.
Mais tu en es loin et as beaucoup à dire et questionner.
100 messages déjà de haute tenue, et une longue vie encore à "Invisible Paris" !

Gina V said...

Belated Congratulations to my favourite Paris blog! I am still catching up after being offline for over a month! [The Morbihan was a sea-dream to be in, but Paris still feeds my soul like no other...]

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