Thursday 10 December 2009

Something for the Weekend? (11th - 13th December)

We’re half way through the advent calendar and there are now only 11 chocolates left until Christmas. Rather than fight your way through the crowds in the main shopping hot-spots and still not find anything suitable, why not try some more original and relaxing options? In addition, I’ve also listed another couple of events to help you to remember that this is a time to be merry.

If you have any events or activities you think should be promoted or which you would like to promote yourself, please add them in the comments. Let me know also
if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like to promote.

Grande Braderie à La Galerie des Bibliothèques
Situated in the heart of the Marais, this gallery programmes exhibitions conceived by the network of libraries run by the city of Paris. This weekend though the venue will be transformed into a temporary shop, selling not only bargain books on history and art, but also posters, postcards and historic maps of Paris.

Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th, 11am to 7pm
22, rue Malher 75004, Métro : Saint-Paul

Vide Grenier Absolutely Rock and Roll
So what is the difference between a vide grenier and a braderie? It is not always entirely clear, but with this event being organised in a trendy bar (the Troisième Lieu) we can expect something lively featuring young fashionable things selling unusual and original objects. Another advantage is that if you find nothing to buy, you can always just sample the oysters or the vin chaud.
Sunday 13th December, 1pm to 8pm
62 rue Quincampoix
75004, M° Chatelet-les Halles or Rambuteau

Paris Mon Amour
Before the auction which is scheduled for Monday the 14th (2pm), you have the opportunity this Saturday to view the fascinating items from the recent history of Paris which will be going on sale. Amongst other items, you will be able to see (and buy if you come back on Monday!) are lamp-posts, public toilets, wooden Metro seats, posters...and most surprising of all, a winding staircase of 40 iron steps from the Eiffel tower! Expect to pay at least €50,000 for that particular lot however!
More information can be found here.
Saturday 12th, 11am - 6pm
9, rue Drouot, 75009, M° Richelieu - Drouot

Un week-end Laurent Garnier!
Laurent Garnier has been the king of Paris nightlife since the early 90s, so it is no surprise to find him once again at the Rex club this weekend. However, it is more unusual to see him perform at the Louvre, this time producing a musical backdrop to a selection of early film clips from the beginning of the 20th century. This show, called “Inventaire avant disparition”, is built around a collection of images from the Musée Albert-Kahn. Garnier will mix blues, new wave and his more standard electronic creations to these films of voyages across Asia, Africa and Europe.
Auditorium du Louvre
Saturday 12th, 8.30pm
Sunday 13th, 4pm
12 euros

More traditionally, Laurent Garnier will also be celebrating the festive season with an all night long set at the Rex club on Sunday.
Sunday 13th 11pm
5 Bd Poissonnière, 75002, M° Bonne Nouvelle

Il Etait Une Fois Playmobil
If you have young children, chances are that one of the presents that Father Christmas will bring will be a Playmobil set. If you were a child anytime in the last 35 years, chances are that Father Christmas brought you one too! Organised to celebrate the 35th anniversary of this German toy brand, the exhibition will display the history of these little plastic people and their multitude of accessories. It should enchant children and also bring a sentiment of nostalgia to their parents.
Until the 9th May 2010
Musée des Arts Décoratifs
107, rue de Rivoli 75001


e said...

Bonjour Adam,

Since you mention libraries, have you ever done a posting on libraries in Paris???

As a librarian, I would be interested.

And, this weekend also marks the start of eight days of Chanukkah. Is there any acknowlegment of this in Paris??

I hope you are well and thanks for sharing this wonderful blog.

Adam said...

e: Thanks for your kind comments. I have only posted about the personal 'library' of Jean-Martin Charcot, but it's true that it is an interesting subject and one that I will try to cover soon! For Chanukkah, I have no idea. Certainly in a 'secular' country there is no official celebrations of religious ceremonies, but I imagine within the communities themselves, in the Marais, in Belleville or in the 9th, there will be some kind of recognition of the event.

Anonymous said...

Interesting insight about 'secular' France and Chanukkah.
In the very dominant Christian environment of the United States there are constant legal battles over overtly religious, public displays at Christmas.
But, Christmas trees seem to pass the test, which are often accompanied by a large scale menorah standing nearby.
A fairly recent accomodation in more sensitive and politically correct times.

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