Thursday 21 December 2017

Invisible highlights in 2017

I'm afraid that once again the blog took a bit of a backseat in 2017, with less than a dozen posts across the year. Despite the blog format struggling against Facebook or even the longer tweet format and tweet threads, I was nevertheless pleased to see that my post on the La Banane from June is now the 7th most read ever on Invisible Paris!

If 2017 was slow on the blog, I was visible - and audible - in several other places. In addition to a piece produced in association with the Guardian newspaper and some Paris lists for the EasyJet in-flight magazine, 2017 also saw the publication of my first book.

Paris Cityscopes

Before being published you imagine that having a book with your name on it will change a lot of things in your life. There is the thrill of seeing it on the shelves of your favourite book shops, but in fact there is an even bigger distance from readers than on a blog - and blogging is often quite a lonely activity! If anyone has read it, I'd love to know what you thought. If you haven't read it yet, it's still on sale!

The World Atlas of Street Food
My writing also appeared in another publication in 2017, which I have to confess I haven't even seen. The concept is a nice one, and I was very happy to provide text and photos on a couple of Paris markets - and even some recipes!

Find the book here.

Literary Review
Ian Nairn's fantastic but mostly forgotten guide to Paris from 1968 was reissued this year, and I was delighted to be asked to provide a review for an excellent magazine. Read more here.

My voice is mainly heard on the page, but in 2017 I was interviewed twice, once in English and once in French! I might even feel comfortable doing it one day!

The Earful tower

Oliver Gee's Earful Tower podcast is always an entertaining listen. He wanted to talk to me about the invisible and I told him why I never use the word 'secret'. We even spoke about toilet seats too! Listen here.

Médiathèque Marguerite Duras 
Of all the things I did in 2017, being asked to talk about Invisible Paris by a Paris library in French was possibly the most satisfying...and the most difficult! I spent a lot of time in this particular library when researching and writing my book, and it means a lot to know that I have also connected with a French audience. If you want to practice your French, listen here

I have no idea what will happen in 2018, but that is a good thing in my opinion. I will continue to blog here when I have something I want to share (mysterious photos and mystical forests coming shortly...), and there may even be a pitch for a genuine Invisible Paris book soon! 

I wish all of you very happy holidays and a brilliant 2018.


  1. Hi Adam,
    Many thanks for your posts and book that help us discover the other sides' of Paris . Wishing You and your family all the best for the new Year coming .

    Best from Brussels


  2. I too am delighted with the book. Paris and collecting information about it has become my hobby and I'm now very choosy in buying new books on the subject. I didn't hesitate to buy Adam's book, however, because of his great blog. I love the way the book weaves in historical, literary and contemporary information and references in such a light and lively way sans cliche. It's set up perfectly for random sampling. I dip in slowly, the better for savoring and surprising. Keep the info coming!

  3. Sorry, I forgot to identify my comment above: Linda from Chicago.
