Friday 13 January 2012

Paris Face Cachée - How to do it yourself

The Paris Face Cachée event was seemingly such a good idea that the bookings website crashed on day of launch, and all 10,000 places available were snapped up within 48 hours. However, those who were not able to book places (myself included) need not miss out, as many of the activities are available year round - if you know how to decipher the secrets! 

The Paris Face Cachée organisers wanted to keep each location a secret, to be revealed only to those who book tickets, but now it seems also to keep the disappointed away! However, whilst I will not write a list here of all of the locations, nor how you can visit them, if you are interested in any of the 'experiences', send me a mail and I will hopefully be able to give you more information on what is behind it, and how you can recreate the experience another time! 

1 comment:

  1. I was one of the many to be disappointed - but as life plays: I realised that the events I am interested in were either on Sunday or at hours I couldn't get to Paris - so, disappointed I was but also intruiged to know more for maybe another occasion!

    So I asked them if there is a newsletter - and of course got no reply... not everybody wants a Facebook presence; and thus we get nothing...

    Thank you however Adam, for showing another unbeknown Paris!
    You're such a treasure and I was amazed at your fabulous translations of the French titles.
