Friday 10 September 2010

World Suicide Prevention Day: SOS Help in Paris

The 10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day. To mark the event, here is a message from SOS Help, an English-speaking volunteer helpline in France. Their remit is far larger than simply dealing with the extremely desperate at critical moments, but if all those in a negative spiral found somebody to communicate with at an early stage, suicide figures would decline dramatically.

Feel like talking? SOS Help, an English speaking crisis line in France, is open from 3 pm to 11 pm daily. Call us up to talk about anything on your mind – from loneliness to stress to concerns about integrating into a new culture. We are here to listen! Call us at 01 46 21 46 46 or visit us online at for more information.

If you would like you sign up for our newsletter, you can do so on our website and get information about our fundraising events, volunteer opportunities and social events.

Lastly, we have book sales throughout the year where we sell English books (all in good condition) for really low prices. Our upcoming sale is on October 10th with paperbacks at only 1€ and hard covers at 2€.

SOS Help Book Sale
October 10th, 12 pm to 4 pm
Orrick Law Offices
31, avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75016

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