Sunday 9 May 2010


Time in the natural world is circular, seasons of intense activity and seasons of rest. For us humans though, time is something we count, waste and lose. I try hard to spend mine wisely, and this month I will be offering mine to friends and family who will be visiting rather than this blog. If I find a little extra time somewhere though, I will try to keep it ticking over...!


Owen said...

Enjoying friends and family ? The blog and your blogging companions will be here when you get back... The virtual world only goes so far.

PeterParis said...

Perfect illustrations to your wise statements, but maybe you should then avoid the wifi connection for a (short) while? You are welcome back to the virtual world whenever you wish; will keep checking!

Starman said...

It's surprising you don't have more visitors. When I thought I would be moving to Paris, people came from everywhere wanting my address so they could visit. Sadly, for them as well as me, the euro zoomed skyward and the move never happened.

Je m'appelle Cynthia said...

Love your post!

paris (im)perfect said...

Enjoy! While we all appreciate your dedication to this blog, family and friends are even more precious. I'm taking something of a blogging break, too. Sometimes we need to get off-line and nourish what's around us. Have a great time! See you when you get back!

e said...

Have a wonderful time...Your blogging friends will remain until your return.

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