Saturday 21 November 2009

Trois Couleurs: Bleu

"Blue is freedom and the story of the price we pay for it. At what point are we truly free?". This is how Krzysztof Kieślowski described the first installment of his Trois Couleurs trilogy of films based around the French tricolore and the famous national motto; Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. Before white and red, here is a look at how I see blue in the city.

Looking through photos I have taken recently, I can see that blue is omnipresent in Paris. Or is it just my eyes that are attracted towards it? It is obviously seen on all street names and on Metro signs, and even on the city coat of arms, but does it not simply just offer a striking contrast to the somewhat pale face of the city?

Do the objects I have snapped represent freedom? On the city coat of arms, the colour represents the royal family, but on the national flag today it is the colour of the revolution. Colours are cultural and subjective, but there does seem to be an almost tranquilising, dreamlike quality to these images. What does this colour inspire in you?

Rue Véron

Hopital Saint Vincent de Paul

Palais de la Porte Dorée Aquarium

A Falun Gong march, seen from my window.


  1. There is such serenity in this color - needed very much dans la ville, I think. The bicylce is lovely.

  2. I always think of cool and quiet when I see blue. There is, here in Fort Lauderdale, a blue bicycle that appears in various places around town. I think it's supposed to be art -

  3. A wonderful sample of blue, indeed, but I'm sure you can make similar ones in red ... and many other colours! To follow?

  4. Never noticed so much blue in Paris, will have to look again...

    Just met a photographer the other night at a party, he has a website on which some interesting color themed photos can be seen in the expositions section...

  5. beautiful post here . this is going to let me aware about blues around .
    see you !!

  6. Ah j'aime beaucoup ce post sur les bleus omniprésents. J'adore le bleu. Pour moi c'est la mer, le ciel et la liberté.
    Bien chargé en symboles, hein?

  7. Hey! We're related by the blues! (And Art Sparker!)
    Wonderful post, thanks.
