Sunday, 29 November 2009
Trois Couleurs: Blanc

Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Something for the Weekend? (27th - 29th November)
If you have any events or activities this weekend you think should be promoted please add them in the comments. Let me know also if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like me to promote.
The French national amateur cooking and table dressing championships
The competition has been fierce around the country over the past few months, and now the time has come for the national finals! These are two separate events, but run at the same venue, the CEPROC in the 19th, and on the same day, Sunday the 29th. The cooking competition will see finalists preparing meals from a set number of ingredients within a given time, whilst the table dressers will have to set a table for two on a particular theme using the objects of their choice. I'm not sure if it's much of a spectator sport, but the 5 Euro entrance fee also includes access to cooking lessons and cheese and wine tasting.
1pm, Sunday 29th November
CEPROC (Centre Européen des Professions Culinaires)
19 rue Goubet, 75019 (M° Ourcq)
Two to Tango
The Festival Paris Banlieue Tango has been running since October, but this Saturday sees the grande soirée de cloture, or the end of festival party. The good news? Everyone is invited and it’s free! Artists and musicians who took part in the festival will be there to play music and give free lessons, and there will also be food and drink available. The evening will continue with a bal, and end somewhat bizarrely with “Buenos Eros A Buenos Aires” a show described as being erotic cabaret!
6pm, Saturday 28th November
Le Réservoir
16 rue de la Forge Royale 75011, (M° : Faidherbe Chaligny)
Back in the Days
For those (like me) who remember growing up in the 1980s (like me), La Bellevilloise will be the place to be this Sunday for an afternoon of nostalgia. The Back in the Days events have been held since 2006, and this weekend will see the 9th such happening. Special guest this time round will be photographer Ricky Powell, known in the 1980s as the 5th Beastie Boy. He will present photos of some of the leading hip-hop and rap names of the era including Run DMC and Public Enemy. Alongside, expect to find vintage sneakers, vinyls and computer games as well as DJs and a live graffiti performance. There will even be a competition to find the person with the best hip-hop old skool look!
3pm, Sunday 29th November - 10 €
La Bellevilloise
21 Rue Boyer, 75020 (M° : Menilmontant)
Salons des Vins des Vignerons Indépendents
Wine salons come around unsurprisingly frequently in Paris, but with Christmas only four weeks away, this one is particularly well-timed. These events with the small-scale independent producers are generally the most fun, and you should be able to find some real bargains too. Pick up your free engraved glass as you go in, then wander around from stand to stand and sample whatever takes your fancy. Don’t forget to spit into the buckets though or you’ll probably need to be carried out of the room!
November 26-29 (10am-8pm), November 30 (10am-6pm)
Porte de Versailles (M°: Porte de Versailles)
6 Euros (although free entry vouchers are easy to come by. Ask me if you are interested)
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
A Private Dinner in Paris

Maryam and Sarah Ingar are in many ways typically French - passionate about food and cooking! Maryam explains that her favourite pastime is finding new culinary venues and places to taste new creations and flavours. From this passion has come a desire to bring together other people with similar interests on a Web 2.0 platform. “The idea first came when I tried to organise an evening with some old college friends at home. We all use Facebook and other platforms, but we receive so many e-mails and requests to sign up to things that my invitation would just have been overlooked”. The solution, she decided with her sister, was to set up a social platform that would be open to people who wanted to get together for dinner parties or other culinary events.

The site, available in both French and English, was only launched around two months ago, but the network already includes several hundred people, and over 30 events have already been organised. Are all the hosts amateurs though, or are professionals trying to take advantage of the service to encourage people into their venues? Maryam Ingar agrees that it could be an issue, but has faith in the self-policing policy of the site. “The host is free to create an event and decide their own price. Yes, there are some professionals, for example those who organise wine or cheese tasting and also some restaurants. The principal is to create something convivial and to invite people you don’t know. A professional can still do this by making a private event with a limited number of guests.”
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Trois Couleurs: Bleu

Looking through photos I have taken recently, I can see that blue is omnipresent in Paris. Or is it just my eyes that are attracted towards it? It is obviously seen on all street names and on Metro signs, and even on the city coat of arms, but does it not simply just offer a striking contrast to the somewhat pale face of the city?
Do the objects I have snapped represent freedom? On the city coat of arms, the colour represents the royal family, but on the national flag today it is the colour of the revolution. Colours are cultural and subjective, but there does seem to be an almost tranquilising, dreamlike quality to these images. What does this colour inspire in you?

Thursday, 19 November 2009
Something for the Weekend? (20th – 22nd November)

Carrousel de Louvre
Environmentally Friendly
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
The Port de Paris

In Gennevilliers to the North-West of the city, it is possible to catch a glimpse of how Paris used to be. As you walk through the port and alongside the giant deepwater basins, you can sense the weight of the large, heavy sky above you, and feel the wind whipping into your bones. It’s a domain of working people, where individuals wear overalls, not shirts and ties. They flex their muscles and get their hands dirty, work on their feet, not on their backsides.

Naturally this is well beyond the scale of similar activities that previously existed in the centre of Paris. This is the second biggest river port in Europe, a place that treats, stocks, processes and transfers 20 million tonnes of merchandise each year. It is a giant interchange, where barges, trains and trucks meet to exchange goods and products. Hydrocarbons, building materials, petrol, wheat, cars, coal and lego-like container blocks come through here, picked up, redirected, transformed and rechanneled.
In an industrial era, Paris needed a large-scale port, but it didn’t get one until comparatively late on. Although designs for this port originate from 1920, (drawn by Fulgance Bienvenue who also planned the first Metro lines) it wasn’t until after the Second World War that the port was built and became established. Indeed, almost accidentally it was this conflict that helped it to grow. All the bridges between Gennevilliers and the sea were destroyed and needed to be rebuilt, enabling the authorities to construct them at specific heights to encourage significant river traffic.
Walking around the zone today, what is striking is the angles and the scale. Everything is solid, rectangular, practical. There is none of the superfluous decoration of Paris here, just enormous, russet-red rectangular cranes and concrete-grey silos. The zone is criss-crossed by shiny steel railway lines, most of which you can walk along. Trains seemingly come to pick up and drop off goods only in the dead of night. Large trucks do thunder past though, containers on their backs, off to one of the motorways that snake past the river.

The view from the canteen. As you eat your bread, you can see the place where the wheat was ground into flour before being transported to the city's boulangers.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
The Death of Television

Television the drug of the nation, or television, window into the nation's psyche? Certainly a home to egos and super-egos, but perhaps less and less a reflection of how each country lives and relaxes. A large percentage of people today spend more time on the internet than they do watching television, and with video on demand or replayed programmes available on the internet after their scheduled slots, fewer and fewer people are watching the same shows at set times.

A wounded beast, this creature still has its antennae on its shell. Evolution will soon render these useless, leaving this dinosaur alone to a future of fossilisation. The steering coils were merely mortal, the cathode ray tube gunned into surrender. The life-support wires are still plugged in, but the electrons are negative and frequencies getting lower.

Thursday, 12 November 2009
Something for the Weekend? (13th - 15th November)

If you have any events or activities you think should be promoted or which you would like to promote yourself, please add them in the comments. Let me know also if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like to promote.
Buy a lottery ticket
Gambling is not illegal in France, just run by the state and strictly controlled. Go to any Bar-Tabac and you will see dozens of scratch cards, lotteries and machines to bet on the outcome of football matches and horse races. Temptation in techocolour, but all run by an institution known as La Française des Jeux. This Friday, two draws take place; the national Super Loto and the Europe-wide EuroMillions, both of which are using this particular date and a four-leaf clover as the promotional tools of the week. It works though - more people play on this day than at any other time during the year. However, this also means that the total kitty to be shared out is also higher too, so it's a good time to get lucky!

Go to the Casino at Enghein les Bains
France is closely linked to the world of the casino (after all…faites vos jeux…the international language in such institutions is French!), and yet once again the rules governing such establishments are incredibly complicated. Until very recently, casinos could only be situated in a station thermale (spa), generally next to the sea or beside a lake. A secondary rule dictated that they must be situated at least 10km from Paris, meaning that the only suitable site in the region of the French capital was at Enghein les Bains, 14km to the north, .
Situated only 15 minutes from the Gare du Nord by train, it is a nice place to escape to even if you don’t set foot in the casino. However, the self-proclaimed ‘leading casino in France’ is clearly the chief attraction of the town, especially on this particular day! Further rules on casinos state that they must also offer a restaurant and other entertainment, so you may find more profitable ways to spend your time.
Go Horse Racing
As previously mentioned, it is possible to gamble on the outcome of horse races in certain bars in France, but only in a relatively complex manner. You need to fill in a card and select the first three, four or five horses for each race, which reduces the gamble to something akin to a lottery. If you want to bet on just one particular horse, you need to go to the track where the race is taking place and where there are fewer restrictions.
On this Friday the 13th, you have two possibilities. A daytime meet at Maisons Laffitte in the west or an evening ‘trotting’ meeting at Vincennes to the east of Paris. Gina Rarick, the trainer I met recently informed me that standard meets such as the one at Maisons Laffitte are very poorly attended, and although the sport at a trotting meet is of low-quality ('nags from people’s back yards' I believe she said), the entertainment level is high. There is a good trackside restaurant at the Vincennes hippodrome, and it’s a fun way to see a slightly different side of Paris with a lot of colourful characters! For those not in Paris this weekend and those who are not superstitious, note that there is a meeting almost every Friday during the year – including Christmas day!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Spirits of a Good Samaritaine

Ghosts of Christmas present. The buildings of La Samaritaine still stand firm, but like a ghost town in a Western film the inhabitants have all taken their horses and ridden away. The shutters are pulled firmly down, the locks rusting and the bottle green paint peeling and flaking to the ground. It is easy to imagine tumbleweeds rolling down this street and a loose wooden shutter creaking in the wind. There may even be a cowboy hidden away somewhere.

It became an immense success, the right solution at the right time, celebrated with a redevelopment in a fashionable Art Nouveau design by Frantz Jourdain between 1903 and 1907. Later, in 1933, Henri Sauvage added a river-facing Art Deco palace, a ten-story temple to shopping with a rooftop terrace and a restaurant with a view across the south of the city. Ghosts of Christmas past, ghosts of Christmas present. It is these architectural touches, listed as historical monuments in 1990, which have saved the structure from destruction or brutal redevelopment, but which perversely also led to the decline of the store.

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach”
Sunday, 8 November 2009
City of Confusion

Thursday, 5 November 2009
Something for the Weekend? (5th - 8th November)

Note: One free event - a concert at L’International is taking place tonight (Thursday).
If you have any events or activities you think should be promoted or which you would like to promote yourself, please add them in the comments. Let me know also if you have any events in the coming weekends you would like to promote.
A Treasure Hunt in the 5th Arrondissement
A group called 5sur5 and professional treasure hunters ‘Ma Langue au Chat’ (who I have previously featured on Invisible Paris) have joined together to organise an event this Saturday in the 5th arrondissement. This treasure hunt will take you around the district and into the bars and boutiques in search of clues that will help you to solve the enigma. Of course, this will also give you the opportunity to sample some of their produce, including secret cocktails and rare wines!
Saturday 7th November, 3.30pm and 5pm. Prize giving at 7pm
Place Maubert, M° Maubert-Mutualité
The Reopening of the Musée Henner
Closed four years ago after only attracting 3800 visitors a year, the Musée Jean-Jacques Henner has been renovated, with the hope of now attracting upwards of 50000 visitors annually. The reopening takes place this weekend and will be your chance to rediscover this interesting 19th century artist’s residence. Henner was a very fashionable portraitist in his lifetime, but quickly fell out of fashion after his death. It was his niece who acquired this house, previously the studio of the artist Guillaume Dubufe (who painted the ceilings in the Train Bleu restaurant in the Gare de Lyon), in order to display her uncle’s work. She donated the residence to the state on the condition that they open it up as a museum. Although the artist’s work is not especially original, the house, particularly after this renovation which has sought to take it back to its original state, is certainly worthy of a visit.
Top tip: residents of the 17th arrondissement get in free this weekend if they come with a copy of the free ParisDixSept magazine. I can’t guarantee that this will work, but if you go first to the Mairie du 17eme (on the Rue des Batignolles) and pick up a copy of the magazine in the entrance you’ll probably be able to get in free too.
43 Avenue de Villiers, Paris 17e
Metro Villiers
Les Nuits Populaires – Sing Different, Sing French!
Who says that the English language is dominant in the music world? The intriguing idea of this festival is to get a selection of non-French artists to sing in French. Featuring musicians from Canada, the United States, Spain, Brazil and the Lebanon, it should produce some fascinating results. The highlight will probably be the wonderful April March on Saturday who is more than used to singing in the language!
Full programme available here: http://www.cridupeuple.com/
5th November – at L’International (free entry)
6th – 7th November – at Les Trois Baudets (16 Euros)
The Musée Carnevalet ‘Fait Sa Révolution’
Paris has never had the museum that its rich history deserves, compared to the excellent Museum of London for example. The Musée Carnevalet in the Marais plays this role, but the exhibits are a little disparate, and there are whole chunks of the history of the city missing. However, if there is one period on which it is particularly strong it is the French Revolution in the city, and this is even more true today. A temporary exhibition in the museum has given it the opportunity to display hundreds of artifacts from this period in its collection, ordered by theme; the role of women, famous individuals, vandalism, religion and fashion for example. You’ll even be able to see some of the clothes worn by the royal family during this period!
From Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm
Entrance price : 5 euros
Until 3rd January 2010
23, rue de Sévigné, 75003
100 Years of Gala Menus at the Musée Maxim’s
The Musée Maxim’s is basically a large apartment above the famous restaurant crammed full of Art Nouveau knick-knacks. The result is rather overpowering, but there is an interesting recreation of a courtisane’s “chambre d’amour”! Currently though there is a fascinating temporary exhibition on the theme of Presidential ‘gala menus’ from the last 100 years. 140 menus are displayed, including creations by Mucha and Chagall, for events that have included guests such as Eva Péron, Churchill, the Czar of Russia and John Kennedy. It is a really absorbing way to see what the famous and powerful have eaten over the years, and also how tastes have changed.
From Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 5pm
Entrance price : 6 euros
Until 28th February 2010
3 Rue Royale, 75008
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
The Serbian Ambassador’s Residence
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Sunday, 1 November 2009
La Colonne Médicis – a mystery for Halloween

The column itself is the only remaining vestige of a royal palace know as the Hôtel de la Reine. This palace was built for Catherine de Médicis in 1572, with the column being added three years later. It seems that Catherine de Médicis was a great believer in the divinatory arts, and employed an astrologist called Cosme Ruggieri, who she consulted before taking important decisions. This column may have played an important role in those decisions.
According to some evidence, the column was used by Ruggieri, primarily as an astrological observatory. Ruggieri had a workshop at the top of the tower, but interestingly it could also be accessed directly from Catherine de Médicis’s apartment in the palace via a spiral staircase. What exactly took place in Ruggieri’s workshop is not clear, and neither is the exact role astrology played in the life of Catherine de Médicis, an incredibly powerful woman, who was Queen from 1547 to 1559, then Queen Mother and advisor to three of her sons during their reigns.

After the death of Ruggieri, it is probable that the column became purely decorative or possibly defensive. The column was sold separately from the rest of the palace, thus saving it from destruction, although it is not known why this was the case. It was eventually sold on again to the city of Paris, and has stood firmly in place whilst first the palace was demolished, then two other buildings were built around it (initially the Halle aux Blés, then today’s Bourse de Commerce).